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► cultivated plants of the grass family that yield starchy seeds of grains.
► temperature
► bread making
- Corn or Maize
- Sorghum or Millet
- smaller than rice or wheat
- can be substituted for corn or rice
- animal feeds.
-major cereal in Northern Europe.
-principal feature is its hardiness.
-resistant to cold weather, pest, disease.
-made into whisky.
-livestock feeds.
-can grow in poor soil and rainy climate.
-ripens fast with minimum sunshine.
-oatmeal is prepared by dehulling the oat grains.
- chief bread cereal af ancient Greeks.
- CERES - Roman godesess.
1. ROUGH RICE / PADDY RICE(PALAY) ► delivered to mills after drying cleaned palay is dehulled into brown or unpolished rice. Brown rice is polished to remove the bran and germ resulting in polished/ white rice.
2. PARBOILED RICE (CONVERTED RICE) ► rough rice that is soaked, steam and finely milled this process gelatenizes starch making the grains more translucent. Brownish in color; its nutritive value and storage qualities are better than polished rice.
3. PINIPIG ► type of parboiled rice prepared by soaking , steaming and drying the palay. The rice used is waxy variety. Which is low amylose and is called malagkit.It is pounded manually : pinipig falkes are toasted and used as rice crispies.
4. QUICK- COOKING OR MINUTE RICE ► pre-cooked, rinsed dried and packeged as convenient item. Cooking is cut to 1/3.
5. RICE GRITS ► broken kernels as a result of milling.
6. RICE STARCH ► 100% pure carbohydrates obtained from endosperm of the grain.
Anatomy of rice from living rice oil
7. RICE OIL ► extracted from the bran which is good quality salad oil.
8. POLISHED RICE ► most common in market form.
- CORN GRITS ► coarsely granulated
- CORN MEAL ► prepared by grinding white or yellow corn to fine granules smaller than grits.
- CORN FLOUR ► finely pulurized grit, resemblea wheat flour.
- CORNSTARCH ► refined starch in powder form.
- HOMINY ► corn with hull and germ removed using a machine the product is called pearl hominy.
- CORN OIL ► extracted from the germ by pressure.
- CORN AS BREAKFAST CEREALS ► snack foods made from corn grits and are pre-cooked, dried, puffed, toasted and flaked.
BRAN ► outer covering; contitutes 5% of the kernel.
Contains cellulose, minerals, vitamins and some protein.
ENDOSPERM ► makes up 85% of the kernel.
Contain 75% starch, 10% protein and traces of fat, minerals and fiber.
GERM OR EMBRYO ► small part located at lower end of the grain.
Makes up 30% of the kernel. Contains protein, vitamins and minerals.
• Characteristic desired.
• Ratio of H2O to cereal.
1:1 1/2
• Method of cooking rice.
a. Steaming
b. Boiling
• Agitation.
• Added Ingredients
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